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What really happened to Malaysian Airlines fight MH370?2024/06/052024-06-05 18:18:00
The Beheading of a Teacher in France – 20202021/01/202021-01-20 04:49:00
Lebanon Forest Fires – October 20192019/11/132019-11-13 05:26:00
The Nuclear Scare2019/04/252019-04-25 04:35:00
Notre-Dame de Paris fire – April 20192019/04/222019-04-22 06:40:00
A Migrant Rescues a Child in France – May 20182018/06/212018-06-21 04:46:48
Anthony Bourdain was probably murdered – June 20182018/06/142018-06-14 14:03:00
The murder of Maëlys a little girl in France – August 20172018/04/022018-04-02 13:14:13
Operation “Flat Earth”2018/01/222018-01-22 14:14:52
The Titanic Conspiracy – 19122016/12/012016-12-01 11:13:00
The Plot to Kill King: New book claims MLK survived shooting and was killed in hospital2016/09/042016-09-04 12:23:00
A Truck Attack in Nice, France – July 20162016/07/182016-07-18 05:53:09
9/11 and the Art of Mark Lombardi (1951-2000)2016/07/112016-07-11 00:47:24
The disappearance of the young Madeleine McCann in 20072016/07/072016-07-07 08:31:15
And what about chemtrails? Yet another conspiracy?2016/06/302016-06-30 22:50:48
Orlando Night Club Shooting – June 20162016/06/302016-06-30 21:43:35
Brussels Bombings – March 20162016/04/222016-04-22 19:21:48
The Paris Attacks – November 20152015/11/302015-11-30 23:22:00
Batman movie theater shooting – Aurora, CO – Jul 20122015/09/152015-09-15 02:37:00
The crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 – March 20152015/04/232015-04-23 21:45:44
Europe in the 1970’s, from communism to zionism2015/04/202015-04-20 15:27:43
The Armenian genocide in front of the Jewish genocide2015/03/182015-03-18 15:02:00
Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, CT – December 20122015/03/042015-03-04 22:31:00
Who wants to criminalize “conspiracy theories”?2015/03/042015-03-04 03:06:00
The Management of Terror2015/02/272015-02-27 10:49:00
The Charlie Hebdo murders – January 20152015/02/132015-02-13 01:51:00
The FBI had planned to snipe the leaders of Occupy Houston2015/02/102015-02-10 17:57:00
Tucson Massacre – January 20112015/02/082015-02-08 21:02:40
Educating People Against Scams2015/01/212015-01-21 04:17:00
The Engineering of Human Drones2015/01/162015-01-16 03:23:00
9/11: The Israeli agents arrested on the day of the event2015/01/132015-01-13 11:08:00
9/11: Hiroshi Hasegawa, the Japanese journalist found dead one month after the attacks2015/01/122015-01-12 06:43:00
The murder of David Crowley and his family, Hollywood and the Intelligence Community – January 20152015/01/082015-01-08 22:02:00
9/11: What happened to the passengers?2014/12/022014-12-02 06:06:00
The assassination of JFK – November 19632014/12/012014-12-01 19:22:00
A planet is not a safe place to be2014/11/102014-11-10 09:06:00
Gone Girl, the movie2014/10/052014-10-05 12:47:00
9/11: Anatomy of a Great Deception2014/09/192014-09-19 06:27:00
9/11: The demolition of the three towers2014/09/172014-09-17 10:35:00
The Reality of UFO’s2014/08/262014-08-26 02:36:00
The Holocaust according to Jewish-born David Cole Stein2014/08/162014-08-16 04:25:00
Was the Moon landing a hoax?2014/06/102014-06-10 17:43:00
Marilyn Monroe’s murder – August 19622014/05/192014-05-19 18:21:00
George W. Bush, the painter2014/05/022014-05-02 01:35:00
The Beirut earthquake of 551 AD2014/04/302014-04-30 22:52:00
9/11: The murder of pilot Philip Marshall and his family – February 20132014/04/232014-04-23 05:00:00
Boston Marathon bombings – April 20132014/02/022014-02-02 21:59:00
9/11: various polls2013/12/022013-12-02 07:30:00
Who killed the journalist Michael Hastings in June 2013?2013/10/252013-10-25 05:00:00
The killing of Osama Bin Laden in 20112013/07/292013-07-29 05:00:00
The Pentagon Attack on 9/112013/05/212013-05-21 12:02:00
George W. Bush slips and says 9/11 was a conspiracy – 20132013/04/302013-04-30 01:14:00
9/11: The death of controlled demolition expert Danny Jowenko in August 20112013/01/302013-01-30 06:00:00
Did Hitler escape after the war?2013/01/152013-01-15 18:04:00
9/11 : Names, Connections, Motives2012/11/152012-11-15 11:23:00
9/11: Kurt Sonnenfeld and his Ground Zero video footage2012/09/122012-09-12 05:00:00
Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum – COINTELPRO2012/07/152012-07-15 15:30:02
List of assassinations related to 9/112012/04/022012-04-02 14:02:38
NSA Whistleblower Prevails Against Charges in Obama Crackdown2012/03/222012-03-22 23:00:00
CIA asset Susan Lindauer speaks 10 years after 9/112012/03/162012-03-16 16:07:00
The Last Days of a Big Lie – a critical account of Spielberg’s The Last Days2012/01/152012-01-15 08:47:00
The Assassination of Diana, Princess of Wales – 19972011/12/012011-12-01 05:29:00
9/11: Hollywood Speaks Out (documentary)2011/07/122011-07-12 20:26:00
Osama Bin Laden, 1957–20012011/05/072011-05-07 20:54:10
A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel2011/02/152011-02-15 23:44:00
9/11: A few words about Ted and Barbara Olson2010/09/152010-09-15 19:56:00
Ex-president of Italy says politicians know 9/11 was a US and Israeli operation (2007)2010/08/302010-08-30 01:39:45
9/11: Why the phone calls from the planes are fake2009/12/202009-12-20 05:24:00
Pilger’s law: “If it’s been officially denied, then it’s probably true”2008/10/142008-10-14 23:15:00
9/11: Mohammad Atta’s girlfriend interview2008/09/012008-09-01 14:35:45
1979 – The Birth Year of “International Terrorism”2007/07/282007-07-28 23:22:32
James Forrestal (1892-1949) was murdered2002/03/012002-03-01 16:32:00
9/11: The Prophecies of William Cooper (murdered in Nov. 2001)2001/12/012001-12-01 10:31:00
Peres stands accused over denial of ‘meaningless’ Armenian Holocaust2001/04/222001-04-22 02:57:00