The murder of David Crowley and his family, Hollywood and the Intelligence Community – January 2015

On Saturday January 17, 2015, screenwriter David Crowley, writer and director of the controversial Police State movie called Gray State, a movie that was in the making, has been found dead in an apparent fake suicide along with his 28-year Muslim wife and their 5-year old daughter whom he allegedly shot in a moment of alleged …

9/11: The murder of pilot Philip Marshall and his family – February 2013

Philip Marshall was the leading aviation expert on the September 11th attacks, as well as a masterful storyteller. In the last book he published in 2012, The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror, he theorized it was not Al-Qaeda but rather U.S. and Saudi government officials who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. In February 2013, he was found …

9/11: The death of controlled demolition expert Danny Jowenko in August 2011

Dutch demolition expert Danny Jowenko was killed in a car accident in the Netherlands in August 2011. He was reportedly driving from church when he collided head-on with a tree. There was also a dog in the car who survived. Jowenko is best known in the 9/11 truth community for his analysis of Building WTC7, …