What really happened to Malaysian Airlines fight MH370?

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its intended destination in Beijing. But It never arrived and neither did the 227 passengers and 12 crew members whose family members have been in anguish ever since. What happened to their loved ones? …

The Nuclear Scare

The entire Nuclear military narrative might be a huge fear hoax. Galen Winsor (1926-2008) was an American nuclear physicist. He claimed nuclear power was safe and that the dangers of radiation had been greatly exaggerated. Winsor’s views were largely based on his experience working with nuclear materials and radiation during his career as a nuclear …

The disappearance of the young Madeleine McCann in 2007

Madeleine McCann was an – almost – 4 years old English little girl who’s parents Gerry and Kate McCann, claimed was abducted during their vacation in Portugal in May 2007. The affair became huge in the press and is still considered a mystery by the mainstream media. Pretty soon, the parents were accused by the Portuguese police of …

And what about chemtrails? Yet another conspiracy?

Chemtrails are simply attempts to regulate the climat. The idea is to slow down global warming by spraying particules in the sky that reflect the Sun’s heat. The problem is that the general public was not told about it until recently. The topic has been managed like a classified military operation under the supervision of Intelligence Services and networks related to …

Europe in the 1970’s, from communism to zionism

During the XXth century an overwhelming majority of artists and intellectuals called themselves marxists or communists. They did not think of themselves as one group. Some were Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyists, Maoists… Some waving flags, some messing only with theory. In the 1970’s after the publication of the crimes of Stalinism and Maoism, they all dropped out. The …